Arie and Adele 3 Months

So its hard to believe they are 14 weeks old already! It is going way to fast… fast that I haven’t been posting as many pictures as I’d like! Completely forgot to take pictures at 1 month and 3 months came around before I could upload and post their 2 month pictures! So its been a little busy to say the least but we are LOVING every minute of it!

STILL hard to believe this is all still not some big dream!!! So happy and so blessed:)

A lot of people have been asking and I haven’t been posting much, so here’s a recap of the last 3 months!

arie and adele 3 mo blog

And I am still SO thankful and in awe of THIS GIRL right here! She is one amazing person and is right back to work and life and all that other fun stuff:)

whitney blog

Arie had surgery in mid July! For about 3-4 weeks he kept spitting up everything all the time and thought it was just really bad acid reflux, come to find out he had something called pyloric stenosis! His food wasn’t passing from the stomach to intestines, and he pretty much stopped gaining weight. So he had a minor surgery and then spent about 2 weeks playing catch up and eating around the clock and now he is finally gaining weight in other places besides his cheeks:)

arie hospital blog

And since this seems to be about the only family picture we have so far, here is one after their baptism from the end of July!

family blog

And thats the story for now! I don’t mean to bore anyone and I feel kinda dumb blogging about our life, but I have so many wonderful friends who really care and ask me all the time how everyone is doing so here ya go friends:)

Arie and Adele Newborn

So Arie Mark and Adele Whitney have already been here for 3 weeks and I thought I better share some newborn photos before they are actually a month old already!!! More to come….but I am so incredibly thankful that we serve such an amazing God and that I have such a loving, caring, selfless and awesome sister (and brother in law to put up with all this for 9 long months!)  Love them to pieces!

arie and adele blog

They Are Here!!!


twins blog

So they have arrive!!! This still seems like a dream to me I just still can’t believe it! Whitney is doing good and the babes are completely healthy and a pretty good size for twins! Arie is 6 lbs 6 oz and 18″ long and Adele is 6 lbs 14oz and 19″ long! My sister was induced yesterday around 5:30 after a non stress test and her blood pressure was a little high, so they finally arrived at 11:11 and 11:33. I am so forever thankful to GOD and my sister and Jordan for giving us this wonderful most precious gift! Aaron, Sadie and I are completely in love!!!!!

Just a Little Break

Facebook Break

I am a little sad and extremely overjoyed at the same time…sad because I have to take a little break from photography to spend time with my family and the new babies that are due to arrive any day now! But beyond happy just thinking of the wonderful life change that is going to happen! I am sorry that I had to turn so many of you away this spring! With my sister being on bed rest and the babies almost making an early entrance 2 weeks ago, I had to get my priorities in line! :) My last week of shooting was actually the first week of April and I am STILL trying to finish up those edits and get them back to people….SORRY if you are one of them! But I’m getting very close to being completely wrapped up!

I have no idea what kind of work an 8 year old and two newborns are going to be yet, but I’m sure it will be challenging at times….but I say BRING IT!!! I’ve been waiting for this for so long I don’t even care! But with that being said, its hard to predict exactly when I will start photography back up again, but as of now, I’m am thinking August. And I will probably start slow….maybe booking mini sessions one night every other week to start. So keep your eyes open I will hopefully be putting a schedule up on Facebook in a couple months or so and with limited availability they might book up fast!